Monthly Meeting

                                                                                    You belong here:

whether you have never been in church before, or have spent your whole life in faith. There is a place for everyone. Young, old, single, married, there is a place for you at HHM Pakistan

HHM Pakistan started their first Monthly meeting in November 2015. 


Our monthly meeting has been organized with the primary purpose of seeking, healing, and letting people know about Jesus. The meeting is providing a platform for People where they join our meeting and receive God’s Blessegs. The focus of the meeting is on spreading the love of God, and forgiveness that Jesus preached during his time on earth.

Our meeting  also  provide healing to those who may be going through difficult times. This is Happening  through prayers, counseling, or any other form of support that the group can offer. The goal is to create a welcoming and supportive environment where individuals can feel comfortable sharing their struggles and finding comfort in the love of Jesus.

Through the collective efforts of the group and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the hope is to bring more people to Jesus and help them find purpose and fulfillment in their lives. The meeting is open to all who share the same vision and are committed to spreading the word of Jesus. It is an opportunity to come together, share ideas, and work towards a common goal of building a stronger community of faith.

Join Us

We are reaching out to you to ask for your support in helping us secure this space. Your contribution, no matter how small, will make a big difference in helping us create a warm and inviting environment for all who attend. With a larger hall, we will be able to reach more people and share the love of Jesus with those who may not have heard of him before.

We understand that times are tough for many people, but we believe that the message of Jesus is more important now than ever before. By coming together and supporting one another, we can create a community that is rooted in love, compassion, and faith.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you at the meeting.