Bible Distribution

“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing where to I sent it.”

( Isaiah 55:11)


The Reason of Bible distribution in Pakistan is to make the Bible, which is Our Holy book, available to people in Pakistan. The Bible contains teachings and stories that are believed to have been inspired by God, and for Christians, it is an important source of guidance and spiritual nourishment.


The purpose of Bible distribution in Pakistan is to make the Bible accessible to Christians in The country Because Christian in Pakistan are manly poor due to which they are unable to purchase Bible , That is why our Ministry Help children and people so they can easily access Bible and get touch with God by Reading.

The Aim of Holy Heaven Ministry Pakistan is to reach the unreach in all over the Pakistan where Christian people and they desire to have Bible But they are unable to buy it.

We want to give them the Good News of Christ so they may come to eternal life from the darkness by accepting Jesus Christ in their lives as their personal Savior and Lord. The Word of God “Bible” is the only way, that can change do this.



If God moves your heart to donate for Free Bibles Distribution in Pakistan you can be become a part of our vision. We believe that together we can do more than we are doing alone.