Street Evangelism


Street Evangelism meetings of Christians in Pakistan are religious gatherings organized by HHM in public spaces, typically on streets or open areas. These meetings provide an opportunity for many Christian to  join & receive their  Blessing through  worship & Sermon of Young boys on Street. 


During these street meetings, Our young team of Christian boys engage in various religious activities. This typically includes singing Worship Song, Praying, Reading from the Bible, and Delivering Sermons or messages on Christian teachings. Sometimes, we invited different Pastors, guest speakers, Evangelists, or missionaries who share their experiences and preach the Gospel.

There are several benefit of street Meeting such as 

 1. watching young boys worshiping melt heart of many young boys and girls who are christian just by name. 

2. One more benefit of street meeting is that People going on the road and having too much problem stop attend meeting and receive their blessing. 

3. Another Benefit of street meeting is that worship and sermon sound hits people doing different work at home .


Our is Aim to spread the love and teachings of Jesus Christ to those who may not have encountered the Christian faith before. By conducting these meetings in public spaces, we hope to create a welcoming environment where people can freely inquire and learn about their beliefs.

However, it’s important to note that organizing street meetings in Pakistan can be challenging and potentially risky due to societal and legal constraints. Christians often face social pressure, opposition, and, in some cases, persecution from extremist groups or individuals who may object to their religious activities. 

In conclusion, street meetings of Christians in Pakistan are gatherings where Christians come together to worship, share their faith, and reach out to others in their community. These meetings play a significant role in providing a platform for Christians to express their beliefs openly,  the challenges and limitations they face in practicing their faith.